North Carolina Railroad Company Rep Visits EDR

Written by EDR | Jan 28, 2025 4:22:41 PM

Yesterday, EDR and NCGTP staff met with Patrick Pierce, the North Carolina Railroad Company’s director of economic and business development. Patrick received an update on the significant economic growth in the EDR region, from the FRC East C-130 project at the NC Global TransPark to the facility construction for Alianza Team and Select Genetics at ParkEast Industrial Park. Many projects in the EDR region can benefit from rail access. Patrick shared insights on how the North Carolina Railroad Company can enhance rail spur access for industries. Thanks, Patrick, for the visit and insight!


This meeting once again highlights the collaborative efforts achieved through numerous valuable partnerships, such as the one with the North Carolina Railroad Company. The support of these partners empowers the EDR and its counties to attract expanding industries, thereby promoting economic growth throughout Eastern NC.

#NCRR #RailAccessibility #NCGTP #Parternerships