Groundbreaking Held For Greene Central High School

Written by EDR | Jul 19, 2024 9:57:30 AM

Greene County Schools celebrated a significant milestone by holding a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Greene Central High School, a recently designated Model STEM School of Distinction. Local and state leaders, including Congressman Don Davis, were on hand. They spoke about the importance of this new school in Greene County and thanked the many individuals who worked on this project.

A $12 million supplemental grant, which will supplement a $50 million grant received last year, will fund the construction of the much-needed state-of-the-art educational facility. The new high school is to be constructed in front of the current campus in Snow Hill, NC, with Barnhill Contracting Company overseeing the construction. Site development has already started.

EDR understands the importance of education and training to our region and supports Greene County Schools’ endeavor.

#GreeneCounty #Education