Grayson Overholt, Representative For Senator Thom Tillis, Visits NCGTP

Written by EDR | Feb 28, 2024 4:18:22 PM

Grayson Overholt Regional Representative for the Office of U.S. Senator Thom Tillis stopped by the North Carolina Global TransPark today. Mr. Overholt was informed of the aviation and aerospace industry growth at the NCGTP, including the Department of Defense support initiatives by Gage King and Rick Barker of the NCGTP. The North Carolina Global TransPark Economic Development Region‘s Mark Pope also discussed the economic development activity within the region. 

After the meeting, Mr. Overholt was given a tour of the NCGTP and several tenants: Draken InternationalflyExclusive LLC and the Lenoir Community College Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing Center.