EDR and NCGTP Represented on Panel at the Eastern Carolina Transportation Summit 2023

Written by EDR | Dec 18, 2024 5:47:34 PM

On October 19, NC Global TransPark Economic Development Region’s Mark Pope and Trey Cash, along with the North Carolina Global Transpark’s Rick Barkes, attended the Eastern Carolina Transportation Summit in New Bern. The theme was “Investments in Transportation – a Driving Force in Economic Development“.

There were updates on the US-70 (Future I-42) and US-17 corridors, and the panel discussions stated the importance of transportation investment to various industry sectors, and NCDOT Secretary Joey Hopkins provided the keynote address. 

Mark Pope was on the panel discussion and spoke on the success of the EDR and how transportation investment is key to continuing the economic growth for both the region and eastern NC.

Also on the panel was Rick Barkes, who shared information on the recent growth at the Global TransPark and how transportation infrastructure is critical to its continued growth.

Additionally, intermodal updates were given (including Airport, Rail, Ferries, Transit, and Bike/Ped), and a presentation on the City of Wilson’s Microtransit program. 

We thank the Eastern Carolina Council for hosting this event!